Quitting Pay-to-Sing Programs For Good
Pay-to-Sing programs run the gamut from absolutely-fantastic-and-worth-every-penny to absolute-dirty-scam.
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Young Artist Programs are prescribed by many colleges, conservatories and industry professionals as part of the necessary path to career success. Over the past decade, the number of applications to these programs has skyrocketed.
Whether or not a correlating career is a true passion or “just a job”, one thing is certain: it is time-consuming.
Women in the arts often feel they have to choose between having a family and having a career. These talented and brave Boston-based artists are balancing both, and have a lot to say on the subject!
Approximately three out of every four singers that graduate today with a bachelors or masters degree in vocal performance are female. So what’s the big deal?
Approximately three out of every four singers that graduate today with a bachelors or masters degree in vocal performance are female. So what’s the big deal?
Sarah Whitney has crafted an extremely successful career as a violinist, educator and entrepreneur by challenging “the rules”, creating her own path and following her heart.
While “the package” is of course important in the business of singing, it seems that somewhere along the road, in our fast-paced, looks-obsessed, easily distracted social-media culture, we have lost sight of our priorities.